Thursday, September 3, 2009

Those Crazy Kids

Kids are crazy and ours are no different. Tristyn, Maia, and Isaac constantly find themselves swarming around little Lance with the malicious intent of smothering him in kisses and hugs. Tristyn has assumed the "motherly" role. Constantly telling her other siblings what they should and shouldn't be doing around the newborn. Always in command, Tristyn loves updating everyone in the house on Lance's status; whether good, bad, crying, moaning, or sleeping. Maia finds Lance a curious little critter. As often as she can she runs up to him, puts her right index finger near his left eye, places her face as close as she can to his, and very quietly screams, "baby ... baby ... baby!" Thankfully, Lance's nap time is just about over every time she announces his presence. Isaac is a little less gentle (hence Tristyn and Ashley both reaching for him in the posted picture). Isaac believes Lance is a sort of toy. One that moves around, cries, and should be thrown, punched, or smacked with an object. Don't get me wrong. He loves the little punching-bag, but hasn't quite grasped his mortality yet.

Despite all the mishaps. All of Lance's siblings love him and are thankful of his save arrival into this world.

Will a Job Ever Materialize

I've had a number of friends and family ask me recently about the status of my employment, and what better way to update everyone then on our family blog. Sadly, three months of searching has produced very little. Yes, it is shameful to admit, but I am still a freshly-minted unemployed MBA. My search has taken my application around the world and back. With stops in China, Taiwan, Lichtenstein, Switzerland, New Jersey, Michigan, Scottsdale, and San Francisco. Each location it visited began with warm fuzzies and uplifting interviews. Unfortunately, each visit ended in complete rejection and undeniable frustration. I remember knocking on thousands of doors whose owners turned me away on my proselyting mission. The rejection hurt, but never felt as demoralizing having a hiring manager tell you "your a perfect fit, but we decided to go with someone else." If I was a perfect fit, why did you feel the need to select another candidate? Ouch. And so, I'm back to the streets, knocking doors and pleading for work. The posse have asked what I would like to do, and I'm hear to tell everyone that if they could help me score a job in the bicycling industry, I will birth their next child. No joke.

All kidding aside, I'm fascinated with brand and product management and would appreciate any leads the readership might have. I have enjoyed the time spent with my wife and children. It is incredibly difficult adapting to the daily routines of a family but it is also incredibly rewarding. This summer has been relaxing and fun.
